While most of the runners in the Skid Row Running Club consider getting up to run at 5:45 a.m. at the Midnight Mission an early start, Damian Gonzalez begins his day at 3:00 a.m. Before the rest of the runners head East on 6th Street, Damian has already put in a workout at a gym near Dodger Stadium. True to his status as a dedicated runner, he gets to and from the gym by running. And consistent with the SRRC being a tight-knit community of people supporting one-another, often times Damian enjoys the company at the gym of Mario, Julio, Beatrice, Carmyn, James and even me sometimes.

Damian’s presence at SRRC events makes everyone’s experience much, much better. His quiet affirmation of others, his genuine interest in what is happening in the lives of his friends, his willingness to candidly share his own life experiences – are attributes highly valued by everyone in the program. Several months ago Damian participated in the SRRC’s ride from San Luis Obispo to Los Angeles. What a treat it was to the rest of us to share this experience with him. His unwavering positivity, his gratitude for even the littlest things, his readiness to help out anyone who was having trouble, his subdued laughter around the dinner table after a long and grueling ride – set an example that uplifted us all.

Yet, not only does Damian fully participate in Club events, he also is a full-time college student and volunteers every week at the Red Cross. His commitment to improving his own life and the lives of others defines who he is. In short, Damian embodies what the Skid Row Running Club is all about.


Judge Craig Mitchell

More about Damian:

Damian came to the Skid Row Running Club in an unusual way (for our club anyways). He was working in marketing at a local LA college, trying to convince people to take out loans they couldn’t pay back. So, he quit.

Without any income, he couldn’t afford to pay rent. Fortunately, he was able to find housing at the Midnight Mission, where the Skid Row Running Club meets.

Damian became aware of the SRRC through Andrew Vargas (profiled in our last newsletter). Andrew noticed how hard Damian worked in the kitchen, showing up early and doing more than was asked of him. He invited Damian to start running.

Damian was never a runner before. In fact, he claims that his prior exercise was working as a graffiti artist and running from cops and with gangs. He never envisioned himself as an athlete, much less a runner.

One of Damian’s first club events was a bike ride from San Luis Obispo to LA, where he got to know the club and its members better. At first, he didn’t think he could complete the ride because of the daunting hills, but he says with the support from fellow bikers, he discovered that day-by-day he could push himself and do a little more. In particular, he is grateful for the coaching he received from Mario O’Campo (another club member in recovery) for teaching him how to sustain 75-mile bike rides.

Before even completing a 10K, ½ marathon or a marathon, Damian recently become an ultra-marathoner. He was one of only a few club members who completed a 54-mile run of the entire length of the LA River.


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