Mario, a former gang member and drug dealer, who spent 18 years in prison. Inspired while in prison, he saw triathlons on TV and decided he was going to become a triathlete when he got out. He joined the club at over 300 lbs. Now he is sober, working the film industry but more importantly inspired other members of the club to long distance cycle and swim. He recently completed the world famous Alcatraz Triathlon.
“April 8th, 2015 – I left Memphis to come out here to recover from alcoholism. I always knew that once you get rid of one habit, you have to replace it with a new habit. I lost my job one time and wasn’t doing good in school and those were triggers. You feel it and you don’t want to feel it. You want to numb this failure that you put yourself through and you know how to do it, because you’ve done it for 40 years. I couldn’t go back because of running. I couldn’t disappoint them. I couldn’t disappoint myself. So the running club kept me sober and as I do it, things start coming back together for me – the school and the job – I kept going forward. If I didn’t have the running club, me and you wouldn’t be talking now. I’d be back in my addiction and I’d be back in Memphis.”
Tracy is the rock of the Skid Row Running Club, in addition to being a constant source of encouragement, she runs, competes in triathlons, provides refreshment and always inspires members of our club to be the best version of themselves. She makes sure we always celebrate a club member’s birthday and constantly reminds us all that we are special.
Tracy is one of the many professionals in our club who serves as a mentor and role model for others.
Damian’s presence at SRRC events makes everyone’s experience much, much better. His quiet affirmation of others, his genuine interest in what is happening in the lives of his friends, his willingness to candidly share his own life experiences – are attributes highly valued by everyone in the program. Read more …
Miguel, a former gang member who spent 12 years in state prison, came to the Midnight Mission after battling his addiction issues for years. In short order, he has became one of the strongest runners and athletes in the Skid Row Running Club. He regularly runs marathons, is close to qualifying for Boston, competes in ultra-marathons and triathlons. and continues to inspire everyone in the club with the challenges he sets for himself.
Eric was a former army veteran who suffered addiction issues as a result of his service to our country. He now works for the LA Dept of Mental Health and reaches out to homeless veterans with his canine companion, Mundo! In an attempt to get veterans assistance with their addiction and homelessness issues. Eric is considerate and always puts others ahead of himself. He is an amazing athlete and runner! Someone you’ll always want on your team!
Armando, a humble guy who doesn’t like attention, Armando is a supervising attorney with the CA Attorney General’s Office. He is a hardcore runner and is the leader, trainer and developer of our marathon program, turning normal everyday people into strong, motivated runners.
Armando is one of the many professionals in our club who serves as a mentor and role model for others.
From death’s door to running marathons. Andrew Vargas is what is best about the Skid Row Running Club. His commitment to sobriety. His positive outlook on life – regardless of what life throws at him. His gratitude in all things. His joy in what life has to offer. His sense of wonder. These things – and so much more. Read more …
Pam is a recent addition to our club! She’s been sober for 5 years now and started running with us earlier in 2021. She’s a drug and alcohol counselor working to help others in their journey through recovery. Not only is she the biggest cheerleader of our club, but she has become an avid swimmer and cyclist. She recently completed her first triathlon!
Gavin was homeless and addicted to drugs. He came to the Midnight Mission, the largest homeless shelter in downtown Los Angeles, to turn his life around. He is sober and credits running with helping his recovery. He is a dedicated and consistent runner, biker and swimmer. He recently completed his EMT training and is now a certified paramedic and saves lives everyday.
Veronica is a lead training officer for the LAPD. Prior to Jerusalem Marathon, her hand was injured as a result of getting attacked by a mentally ill homeless person on Skid Row. Instead of using her gun, she disarmed her and got her immediate mental health services, this avoiding a further tragedy. She represents the future of police in our great city.
Veronica is one of the many professionals in our club who serves as a mentor and role model for others. Read more …
Luis Espada knows how to fly “beneath the radar.” His soft-spoken, quiet nature does not draw immediate attention. But he is the perfect example of why it is so vital to take the time to get to know our “quiet” members. Because when you get to know Luis you discover what a fine human being he is. Read more …