Six years ago when Judge Mitchell first started the Skid Row Running Club, he just wanted to share his love of running with others, particularly thos in at risk communities.  He had no idea the LA Times, would write an article about it.  He didn't know he would get approached about making a documentary and becoming a star in Skid Row Marathon.  That was never his intention.

At the Skid Row Running Club, we believe in the saying that "if you give, you will be given to."  As the story of the Skid Row Running Club has been embraced internationally, audiences have begun to appreciate the impact of small acts of kindness.

Many people have reached out to us about starting their own running programs from the US, Canada and the UK.  It's very encouraging to see members of the running community reaching out and finding a way to give back through running.  Some many basic things emanate from this simple activity.

However, individuals using running to give back is not new, in fact even before the Skid Row Running Club, there have been lots of organizations using running to help communities:  Up and Running Again, Running Works, Back on My Feet to name a few.  

Now there is a new generation of running clubs giving back to the community:  Mosaic Running Club, the Running Charity.

All these organizations are proof that small acts indeed make a big difference.  If you are a runner and want to share your passion for running to others, consider joining one of these organziations or even starting your own.

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